What an opportunity for you fellow writers! The North American Jules Verne Society is sponsoring its first anthology of new fiction, and the group wants to see a story (and artwork) from you.

The anthology is titled Extraordinary Visions: Stories Inspired by Jules Verne. NAJVS is looking for fictional short stories inspired by the works of Jules Verne. Your submission can be an original story; it can be a reprint. It can be set in any time or place. It can use characters from Verne’s tales (they’re all in the public domain) or you can make up your own.
In addition, the Society is seeking illustrators to come up with the cover image for the anthology and also some internal images to go with each story.
You can find out all the details here.
I have the honor of being a member of the editorial team working on this anthology, and I’m looking forward to reading your story.
So, get writing, Jules Verne fans! I know you can create a story that will absolutely thrill—
Poseidon’s Scribe