I just completed a road trip to all forty-eight contiguous states. First of all, my apologies for not visiting people I know in many of those states. The point of my trip wasn’t for visiting, but just to get through it in a reasonably short time.

During the trip, my wife and I drove 9898 miles in 21 travel days. We made the journey in two loops, a counter-clockwise western loop covering the states west of the Missouri River, and a clockwise eastern loop. That allowed us a break in between.
Having just completed our tour last night, I’m still compiling statistics and organizing notes I took. I promise to write more about this trip when I can. For now, it must suffice to say I enjoyed the chance to ramble the roads of this country and touch the soil of each of our connected states.
Though not the first to make a journey like this, I’d guess only a tiny percentage of Americans have done it. People talk about the number of states they’ve been to, but that’s the result of many disconnected trips taken over years or decades.
Occasional traveling provides stimulation for writers, and my journey accomplished that. As I said, you may look forward to more about this forty-eight-state odyssey, as written by—
Poseidon’s Scribe