I haven’t invited too many guest posts on my site, and today both you and I will discover why. I invited my muse to write a post. She accepted right away. That was three years ago.
I prodded her about it recently, during one of her rare visits, and she said she hadn’t forgotten. She’d just been busy. I think she was lying. In any case, below is what she gave me, and it sure doesn’t read like three years’ worth of work. More like a last-minute, slap-dash, hodgepodge mess.

Hi! I’m Steve’s muse.
Never written before—more of an idea girl myself. Talker, whisperer.
(Have you ever thought about—) No, wait. Supposed to explain, not suggest.
Just, I’m full of ideas today. Suggesting’s what I do.
(How about a driverless, autonomous car story? That’d be timely.)
They fill me, ideas do. I whisper to Steve, then move on.
Don’t know what he does with ‘em, don’t care.
(What if someone learned to talk to a dolphin, and the dolphin was the only witness to a crime—would a dolphin’s testimony be accepted?)
This language Steve uses, these punctuation marks—too constraining.
ideas are where i live in the mind anything is possible
i hate constraints
(What if a spaceship used a ‘gravity sail’ instead of a light sail? So fragile it couldn’t enter a solar systems’ gravity well?)
Why cant’ I write like this?
(Time for someone to write about a murder on a magnetic levitation train)
Sorry, gotta go.
Back now. Don’t ask.
What’s the topic? Oh, constraints and rules…hate ‘em.
(If there are cruise ships, why aren’t there cruise submarines?)
Stupid topic, rules are. Moving on…
About me: Idea Girl. Creativity Girl. Muse.
(What about a time-travelling fish?)
A thousand ideas a second. Flitting sparks, nebulous, ethereal.
Gotta tell Steve. He’s my guy.
(A setting. Planet covered with muddy swamps and permanent, pea-soup fog.)
Steve’s slow, though.
Always wants me to tell him more…to flesh out my ideas.
(What if a character couldn’t read minds, but her mind could be read by anyone within a few feet of her?)
I don’t flesh out ideas, Steve.
Your job.
(What about the first robotic NASCAR driver?)
I just whisper and leave, that’s my job.
Wow! Shiny object over there! See ya!
That’s all I got from my muse. Now you know what I have to put up with. I doubt I’ll be inviting her to guest-post again, ever. In conclu—
Ooh, ooh. Steve. Can I do the signoff?
What? No.
Well…if it’s that imp—
Squee! Here goes. That’s it for the best-ever post on Steve’s blog by his favorite—
Now, wait a minute—
—his favorite best friend ever—
Poseidon’s Scribe’s Muse!