Book Review — Soulless

I just finished listening to the audiobook version of Soulless by Gail Carriger put out by Recorded Books, and performed by Emily Gray.  I’m not a regular reader of romance novels, but I do enjoy steampunk so I thought I’d give this one a try.

The book is set in an alternate version of Victorian London in a world that has come to accept the co-existence of werewolves and vampires with humans.  In fact there is a Bureau of Unnatural Registry (BUR) to keep track of all the supernatural creatures.  Alexia Tarabotti is not supernatural, but is a rare breed of human born without a soul.  However, this status as a “preternatural” allows her to turn any werewolf or vampire into its human form at her mere touch.

The book begins with a vampire trying to attack her, and dying in the process.  How could a London vampire not know she was a preternatural?  Thus the investigation begins, which requires the services of Lord Conall Maccon, head of the BUR.  Soon we learn about Alexia’s overbearing mother, catty sisters, best friend Ivy Hisselpenny (she of the always outlandish hats), and flamboyantly gay vampire Lord Akeldama.

Oh, yes, and Alexia falls in love.  I am not the best judge of romance novels, but I did enjoy many aspects of this book.  Carriger captured the sense of the time and locale well.  The characters were well-drawn and had a few complexities and interesting quirks.  The love relationship was, for the most part, believable and well-paced, and I think the book’s target audience should be well able to identify with Alexia.  The reading by Emily Gray was excellent; she made the characters come alive and her accent helped transport me to the novel’s world.

However, there is a long stretch of very little action between the opening scene and the final confrontation.  A long epilogue follows the final actions, perhaps in order to set up the later books in the series (of which this is the first).  There are frequent character point-of-view switches, but in general they are executed in a clear manner.

Using my book review rating system, I’m going to give this book 3 seahorses.  I recommend it if you enjoy quirky romances, or supernatural fantasies.  It’s teetering on the edge of what I’d call steampunk though.  If you’ve read it and have a different view, please leave a comment for–

                                                                                           Poseidon’s Scribe



January 10, 2012Permalink

Book Review — Socrates, A Man for Our Times

I’m introducing a new feature to this blog–reviews of books I’ve read.  This will be an irregular feature since (1) books vary in length, and (2) I may not review every book I read.  I will also continue to blog weekly on topics helpful to beginning writers.

For these book reviews, I’ll use a 5 tier rating system.  Since I am Poseidon’s Scribe, I’ll summon seahorses to help me, as follows:

5 Seahorses – among the best books I’ve ever read.  I plan to re-read this book.  Most strongly recommended.  Although I don’t have a quota, I anticipate using this less than 10% of the time.

4 Seahorses – A really good read.  Maybe a minor deficiency or two.  Definitely recommended.  I anticipate using this at least 35% of the time.

3 Seahorses – A fine book, but it’s got some weaknesses that detracted from my enjoyment.  Recommended, but only if you like the genre or subject, or other books by that author.  I anticipate using this about 30% of the time.

2 Seahorses – A book of rather low quality, with major flaws.  I read to the end, but do not recommend it to others.  I anticipate using this about 20% of the time.

1 Seahorse – A bad book.  The book had such a poor beginning that I couldn’t finish it.  Definitely not recommended.  I anticipate using this about 5% of the time.

This week I finished Socrates:  A Man for Our Times, by Paul Johnson, in the audio book format put out by Recorded Books, as narrated by John Curless.  Johnson apparently used what original sources are available to portray Socrates as the man he was in the city of Athens at the time.  That is, the book gives a good description of what it would be like to be there, walking Athenian streets and conversing with the philosopher.  His message is that Socrates was a man so connected with Athens, who so loved that city-state, it was inconceivable for him to leave it, even to avoid a death sentence.

Johnson gives us a portrait of Socrates with personality traits I’d never read about before.  For example, it’s well known he asked a lot of questions.  I didn’t know how genuinely interested he was in other people’s jobs.  Apparently Socrates learned a lot about many occupations by questioning people.  Further, we all know how annoying persistent question-askers can be.  However, it seems Socrates had a knack for making his constant queries without making others angry.  He had a disarming charm and wit that made him someone others wanted to talk to.

Plato does not escape scorn in this book, as the man from whom we know the most about Socrates, but a man who inserted his own views and blatantly tried passing them off as Socrates’ own.

The book vividly illustrates the background leading up to the trial of Socrates, in a manner that explains how the tolerant city of Athens, of all places, could bring the survival of the greatest philosopher up to a vote at all.  The poignancy of the man’s death itself is well described, including the sorrows of his followers and the nobility of Socrates himself, and the manner in which he rationalizes acceptance of the punishment in a way consistent with his philosophy.

The book is logically laid out and the prose easy to read, which is not always true for books about philosophers.  The narration by John Curless is very well done.

My only criticism is that the title led me to expect a different book.  I anticipated more discussion relating Socrates’ philosophy to our time.  There was some, to be sure, since Socrates explored timeless questions of human nature, but the book did not develop the connections with our modern day as much as I expected.

I give it a rating of 4 seahorses and definitely recommend it.  That’s it–the  first blogged book review by…

                                                                        Poseidon’s Scribe



December 21, 2011Permalink